The NBA grosses 10.58 billion annually and the WNBA grosses 60 million annually. The $76,500 Ms. Clark is getting for her rookie season is .1275% of the WNBA’s gross annual profit while the 12.1 million Mr. Wembanyama is getting is .1145% of the NBA’s gross annual profit or .013% less than Caitlin. This disparity is clearly unfair. He shouldn’t be paid less of a percentage simply because he’s a man. Steps need to be taken immediately to rectify this blatant injustice.
If you’re using force or condoning the use of force, it’s because your ideas are unconvincing. No matter how virtuous you believe your cause to be when you abandon ideas you abandon peace. 
Even though Elle is a pretty little red headed girl, she identifies as non-binary, (a very confusing concept for 8 to 12 year olds that is biologically inapplicable to the human species), and goes by they/them pronouns, (which of course is grammatically incorrect). Because Elle believes she is a “they” instead of a “she”, the book is titled “Elle Campbell Wins THEIR Weekend” instead of the grammatically appropriate “Elle Campbell Wins HER Weekend”. The question then becomes, “how is teaching a ten year old improper grammar on top of incorrect biology going to help him or her to become an educated adult ready for all that reality has to offer?” I don’t believe that it will and I believe that is the goal. What do you think?
This stands as yet another manipulative use of power by a prominent figure that is walking in lockstep with the rest of these global elites that have proven, by their actions, are masking self interest with humanitarianism. I don’t see a spiritual leader offering compassionate guidance, I see a person in a position of great power using shame to coerce compliance. Coercion is aggression and aggression is unjustifiable against another human being period. Anyone that uses shame under the guise of leadership, exposes their lack of respect for the individual sovereignty of the people they’re responsible for leading.
When you abandon truth and science uncontrolled chaos will ensue and the only individuals who would implement this as a strategy do it for themselves at the expense of others.
How many times are you going to obey the same unconstitutional statistically insignificant edict before you realize the insanity of doing so? If the goal was maximum mitigating effectiveness then we would first review the proven available data and then make educated decisions based on what the data suggests. This would be a reasonable strategy as it would allow us to make the necessary changes based on the utilization of the scientific method instead of allowing politics and emotion to pervert rational thought.
Reproductive rights, by its objective definition, is the right to biologically reproduce. “Reproductive rights” as it has been appropriated by the pro-choice movement is in fact the deliberate halting of the reproductive process. This is a purposeful strategy designed to garner support for an action that otherwise would be unacceptable if the true meaning were recognized.
I will continue to use “squaw” because, despite what is being said, squaw is not a racial and/or sexual slur. And no matter how hard they try I will not use the word “Latinx” because it is a made up word that holds no benefit to our great country. This is cultural revolution 101, use language to fundamentally change the culture of a people, transforming that culture to align with a particular worldview in spite of the will of the people. I refuse to use grammatically incorrect pronouns, (and no it is not respectful to cater to foolishness). I will continue to use “illegal alien” because if one enters into our country illegally, then that is what they have chosen to become. I will continue to call a man “sir” and a woman “miss”, in acknowledgment of the only two genders present within our species. The truth is I’m not homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-semitic, racists, ...